First Blog! – (My Self-Cure)

As you probably know, I’m a novelist and my principal works are the thrillers of THE JESUS THIEF series.  However, what inspired me to start blogging was real life.  In April I found myself in the emergency room, incredibly weak and dizzy.  Later, my doc told me I’d croak if I didn’t take heavy duty meds.  However, I absolutely hate meds.  My diagnosis?  Diabetes, high blood pressure, diastolic heart failure, pulmonary edema, etc.  Too much mint chocolate chip ice cream, apparently.  I never took the meds.  Seven months later I’m perfectly well, excitedly telling strangers in grocery  stores what happened to me.

The lady I shared this with day before yesterday suggested I start a blog so others could know what I learned: WE DON’T HAVE TO BE SICK!

My first posts will be about this.  Eventually, I’ll talk about writing, too.  Also, perfume, wine, food, travel, etcetera.

9 thoughts on “First Blog! – (My Self-Cure)”

  1. Jamie
    It’s been awhile since I’ve participated in the writing group, although I often think of all of you. I’ll always be grateful beyond measure for the time spent in the group. My plan to return to writing always seems deferred, most lately by serious health issues. I’m in process of scheduling mitral valve repair surgery at Cleveland Clinic for early January. So I sympathize with your own medical issues and certainly agree that life style improvements can help to a limited degree. There are always lessons to be learned from adversity, of course, and while health issues are challenging, they grant us perspective and a new appreciation for each day. Best to you, it’ll be a joy to follow your blog!

  2. Hi Jamie,
    What a wonderful place to be – your health, your writing, your blog. How nice of you to allow us to share in your joy and happiness.

  3. Jamie,
    I look forward to your blog. Thanks for the heads up about it! I think of you often. What a great idea to get blogging about your passions and interests.
    Take care!!

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